AbstractNormFormClass in namespace Fhooe\NormForm\Core
NormFom is a simple template application to gather, validate and process form data in a flexible way.


AbstractNormForm::business() — Method in class AbstractNormForm
Abstract method for processing the validated form input (a.k.a. business logic). Must be implemented in the subclass.


$AbstractNormForm#currentViewProperty in class AbstractNormForm
Holds the currently supplied view object that will be used in the template to render output.


View::display() — Method in class View
Displays the current view. Iterates over all the parameters and stores them in a temporary, associative array.


$AbstractNormForm#errorMessagesProperty in class AbstractNormForm
An array containing all error messages being set by isValid().


$PostParameter#forceEmptyProperty in class PostParameter
A switch for forcing an always empty parameter object.


GenericParameterClass in namespace Fhooe\NormForm\Parameter
A generic name/value parameter.
GenericParameter::getName() — Method in class GenericParameter
Returns the parameter's name. Always a string.
GenericParameter::getValue() — Method in class GenericParameter
Returns the parameter's value. Can be any data type.
ParameterInterface::getName() — Method in class ParameterInterface
Returns the name of the parameter. This is always a string.
ParameterInterface::getValue() — Method in class ParameterInterface
Returns the value of the parameter. Can be any data type.
PostParameter::getName() — Method in class PostParameter
Returns the parameter's name. Always a string.
PostParameter::getValue() — Method in class PostParameter
Updates the parameters value and then returns it. Always a string since it's form field data.
View::getTemplateName() — Method in class View
Returns the name of the main template that's being used for display.
View::getParameters() — Method in class View
Returns the supplied parameters.


AbstractNormForm::isValid() — Method in class AbstractNormForm
Abstract method used to validate the form input. Must be implemented in the subclass.
AbstractNormForm::isFormSubmission() — Method in class AbstractNormForm
Checks if the current request was an initial one (thus using GET) or a recurring one after a form submission (where POST was used).
AbstractNormForm::isEmptyPostField() — Method in class AbstractNormForm
Convenience method to check if a form field is empty, thus contains only an empty string. This is preferred to PHP's own empty() method which also defines inputs such as "0" as empty.


$View#loaderProperty in class View
The Twig loader instance.


AbstractNormForm::normForm() — Method in class AbstractNormForm
Main "decision" method for the form processing. This decision tree uses isFormSubmission() to check if the form is being initially displayed or shown again after a form submission and either calls show() to display the form (using the supplied View object) or validate the received input in isValid(). If validation failed, show() is called again. Possible error messages provided as parameters to the View object in isValid() can now be displayed. Once the submission was correct, business() is called where the data can be processed as needed.
$GenericParameter#nameProperty in class GenericParameter
The name of the parameter. Always a string.
$PostParameter#nameProperty in class PostParameter
The name of the parameter. Always a string.


ParameterInterfaceClass in namespace Fhooe\NormForm\Parameter
Defines an interface for parameters that are passed on to a View object.
PostParameterClass in namespace Fhooe\NormForm\Parameter
A special parameter that represents an entry in the $_POST superglobal.
$View#paramsProperty in class View
An array of parameters used for display.


View::redirectTo() — Method in class View
Performs a generic redirect using header(). GET-Parameters may optionally be supplied as an associative array.


$AbstractNormForm#statusMessageProperty in class AbstractNormForm
An optional status message that can be set in business() when processing data was successful.
AbstractNormForm::show() — Method in class AbstractNormForm
Used to display output. The currently used object of type View is used to display the content by calling the display() method. Depending on the type of View object, a certain template engine will be used to render the output. The view object will handle passing on the parameters to the template engine.
View::setParameter() — Method in class View
Allows to add or redefine parameters when the view object already exists. This avoids having to create a completely new view object just because one parameter has changed or needs to be added. This method first checks if a parameter with the given name is already stored within the view. If so, it updates its value with the one supplied in $param. If the parameter is not present in the view, it is being added.


$View#templateNameProperty in class View
The name of the view (the template file that is to be rendered).
$View#templateDirectoryProperty in class View
The relative path to the directory where the template files are stored.
$View#templateCacheDirectoryProperty in class View
The relative path where cached/compiled templates are to be stored.
$View#twigProperty in class View
The main instance of the Twig template engine (environment).


PostParameter::updateValue() — Method in class PostParameter
Private method for updating the parameter's value. Checks if there is an entry in the $_POST superglobal.


$GenericParameter#valueProperty in class GenericParameter
The value of the parameter. Can hold any data type.
$PostParameter#valueProperty in class PostParameter
The value of the parameter. Can hold any data type.
ViewClass in namespace Fhooe\NormForm\View
Encapsulates data for displaying a form or result of a form submission and uses the Twig template engine to render its output.


AbstractNormForm::__construct() — Method in class AbstractNormForm
Creates a new instance for a norm form object and initializes all necessary fields. A View object is used to initially define how and where output is displayed via the template engine and supply parameters to the template.
GenericParameter::__construct() — Method in class GenericParameter
Creates a new parameter using the supplied name and value.
PostParameter::__construct() — Method in class PostParameter
Creates a new parameter for the form field/$_POST entry with the name specified in $postName.
View::__construct() — Method in class View
Creates a new view with the main template to be displayed, the path to the template and compiled templates directory as well as parameters of the form. Also initializes the Twig template engine with caching and auto reload enabled.