class PostParameter implements ParameterInterface

A special parameter that represents an entry in the $_POST superglobal.

This parameter is specified by the index in the $_POST superglobal. If a form field called "foo" (name attribute) should be tracked then "foo" needs to be supplied as $postName parameter. The class will set this index as its name and will automatically set its value by doing a lookup in $_POST. If there is an entry present at the supplied index, it will be set as the value, otherwise an empty string will be used. When the value of this parameter is queried via getValue() it will perform the update again before returning the value. If the parameter's value was empty at creation but the $_POST superglobal has been filled through a form submission in the meantime, this class will consider it when returning the value. To disable this mechanism and create a parameter with an always empty value (e.g. when you want an empty form field in your view), set the optional second parameter $forceEmpty to true.


private string $name The name of the parameter. Always a string.
private mixed $value The value of the parameter. Can hold any data type.
private bool $forceEmpty A switch for forcing an always empty parameter object.


__construct(string $postName, bool $forceEmpty = false)

Creates a new parameter for the form field/$_POST entry with the name specified in $postName.


Private method for updating the parameter's value. Checks if there is an entry in the $_POST superglobal.


Returns the parameter's name. Always a string.


Updates the parameters value and then returns it. Always a string since it's form field data.


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__construct(string $postName, bool $forceEmpty = false)

Creates a new parameter for the form field/$_POST entry with the name specified in $postName.


string $postName The index value in the $_POST superglobal this parameter should encapsulate.
bool $forceEmpty Forces the parameter to be always empty when true, otherwise the contents of $_POST are used.

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private updateValue()

Private method for updating the parameter's value. Checks if there is an entry in the $_POST superglobal.

If present, the entry is set as a value. Otherwise an empty string is used. If $forceEmpty is set to true the value is always set as an empty string. Be aware that no sanitation (htmlspecialchars, etc.) is performed on the values at this point. This is (expected to be) done by the template engine in the View class.

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string getName()

Returns the parameter's name. Always a string.

Return Value

string The name of the parameter.

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mixed getValue()

Updates the parameters value and then returns it. Always a string since it's form field data.

Return Value

mixed The value of the parameter.